gke Process Challenge Device and Self-Contained Biological Indicators

gke™ Process Challenge Device & Self-Contained Biological Indicators
A reusable Bio-C-PCDs, to be used with all Mini-Bio-Plus SCBIs, for validation and routine monitoring of steam, ethylene oxide, formaldehyde and hydrogen peroxide sterilization processes.
It is recommended to use the round versions in large and the oval versions in small sterilizers. A PCD with SCBI placed inside is called a class 2 indicator according to EN ISO 11140-1.
The Instant-Mini-Bio-Plus SCBI contains a type 5 chemical indicator allowing that the result of steam sterilization processes can be instantly evaluated at the end of the steam sterilization process at 132-137°C. Therefore, it is not necessary to wait for the result of the SCBI incubation since the class 5 indicator provides equivalent or better information about the re-sult of the sterilization process according to EN ISO 11140-1. Biological indicator with B. atrophaeus, available with population of 10₆, paper carrier for EO sterilization process. Biological indicator with G. stearothermophilus, available with population of 10₆ for V2H2O2 sterilization process.
Advantage of this GKE Incubator:

  • The dry bath incubator does not require water circulation and therefore needs no cleaning.
  • The incubator can be used with all local voltages.
  • Low voltage allows operation in all laboratories.
  • Colour change of BI can be observed through a transparent lid without taking the biological indicators out of the incubator.
  • Separate aluminium blocks are available for SCBIs or stearo ampoules.
  • LCD display allows actual temperature control during the incubation.
  • High electronic control provides excellent temperature stability.
  • Crusher for SCBIs is integrated in the aluminium block.
  • Free temperature selection can be programmed .
  • Incubation time can be programmed
  • If there is a power failure the programmed incubation time is still obtained.